We offer psychological counseling services in support of victims of domestic violence, women and child witnesses, to help them regain control over their lives. Domestic violence is different from other types of violence because it happens “behind closed doors” with everyone’s tacit consent.
Psychological counseling is provided by a therapist psychologist, having relevant experience in counseling women and children victims of domestic violence. It is offered in several forms:
individual counseling
family counseling (mother-child)
group counseling
parenting education sessions
Violence against women -
do you recognize the signs?
Physical abuse Slapping, hitting, shoving, strangling, kidnapping, use of physical force to hurt you, etc.
Psychological / Emotional abuse Harassment, following, isolation, ridicule, belittle, control (the way you dress/who you see), blackmail, etc.
Sexual abuse Sexual acts forced upon you, without your consent: advances, verbal allusions, gestures, touches (usually, repeated and non-reciprocal) Rape is one of the most serious forms of sexual abuse.
Economic abuse Controlling your income, forbidding you from working, excluding you from money-related decisions, etc.
Social abuse It is manifested by isolation from family, friends, community.
Verbal abuse Raising one’s voice, lying, threatening, accusing, criticizing, etc.
Cybernetic abuse Controlling social media accounts or banning online interaction, threats to post personal information on the internet.
Spiritual abuse Using faith and religious customs to manipulate, dominate, control.